Hidden warrior's of kirtipur

Nepal is a country which has many hidden histories, still remains to be open. In the course of time, It faces various incidents and remains mystery. Those mysteries are still not properly solved. It has many stories of brave warriors. Warriors like "Balbhadra Kunwar, Bhakti Thapa, Kalu Pandey" etc are those whose name were written in golden form in ancient history of Nepal. But there are many other warriors, who contribute their lives for their land during war was hidden in the womb of Nepali history. Yes this article is about those hidden brave warriors that fought with dignity but their bravery was buried with them. As we know history is only written for winner not loser. Mostly history was written who has power. All those powerful people dominate and hide facts. But in the course of time it obviously reveals. One day time will automatically reveal the truth. Likewise the hidden history of Kirtipur is now revealing day by day.
                    "Kirtipur", one of the most ancient city of Nepal. Many facts of this city were hide by winners after winning this city. According to many historians "kirtipur" was a single country at that time. Nepal was divided into 22 and 24 countries. Which is called 22(Biaseye) and 24(Chaubise) Rajya. Three kingdoms "Kantipur (recent Kathmandu), Bhadgaun (recent Bhaktapur) and Lalitpatan (recent Lalitpur) were called Nepa: at that time. All these kingdoms were ruled by Malla kings. The both of three Malla Kings were brothers by blood.  Jay Prakas Malla is a bit cruel. But competition was held fair among them. If one of the king build Durbar square then both of the others also builds better than him in their own country. Likewise if one of them made Krishna mandir then other two also do same. So those three have common kingdoms. At that time Kirtipur was ruled by Kantipur and Lalitpur. When Kantipur became powerful then administration of Kirtipur is handled by Kantipur likewise if power become decrease then it is ruled by lalitpur. In this way the parliament of Kirtipur is in the hands of Malla Kings.
                    In 1757 AD, a troop of 1400 soldiers from Gorkha marched towards Kirtipur to conquer it. They have only 4 rifles. Besides that they use Gorkhali khukuri, Khuda, Tarwar,  etc. The attack was performed in the leadership of Kaji Kalu pandey. King Prithivi Narayan Shah himself was involved in this war. They attack kirtipur without informing, which was beyond the ethic of war. "Gyan praja malla" was the king of Kirtipur at that time and Parliament was handled by "Kaji Dhanwant".  Kirtipur was under lalitpur during that war.
                    When people of Kirtipur saw gorkhali troop approaching using the way of "Tinthana", they inform kaji and war was held. Birnarasing was a commander in chief of Kirtipur troop. They do not have any rifle with them. They fought only with khuda, tarwar, Bow and arrow. Lalitpur and Kantipur also took part in that war by side of Kirtipur. After the death of Kaji Kalu Pandey, war was over. Kaji Kalu Pandey was Killed by head chopped out with neck from hand of Kirtipure warrior. King Prithivinarayan Shah was also Killed nearly on that war. He was released by Kirtipure army by following ethic of war. They have Mentality that King is the incarnation of Lord Narayan so King Should killed only by hand of another King. At that time Kirtipurs king Gyanpraja did not involve in that war, because that was war was not held by informing or can say it was held by out of rule.
After winning 1st war, All of the collected weapons from gorkhali were kept and displayed at Bagbhairab temple which is located in center part of the Kirtipur Hill. King Prithivinarayan shah felt mental harassment by losing war. He became to frustrate. To cure his frustration, his younger brother "Sur Pratap Shah" Convince him to re-attack Kirtipur.  But King Prithivinarayan shah was very afraid of losing again. His confident level was very low. Sur Pratap Shah forces him and rise his confident. In 1764 AD They have again attack Kirtipur. But this time King Prithivinarayan Shah did not take part in the war. instead of him Sur Pratap Shah was a leader and Commander post was taken by the son of Kaji Kalu pandey called "Kaji Bansaraj Pandey". Kirtipure again asked help from Kantipur for that war but King of Kantipur (Jay Prakash Malla) did not support kirtipur due to the internal war held among their own brother. Mallas were fighting with their own bloods. Brotherhoods were transferring into enemies. King gyan praja (King of Kirtipur) tries really hard to reunited Mallas, but couldn't. So he made his strategy to defend only.  Kirtipur is surrounded by 14 main big doors. They repair all their doors and made their army as well as people cautioned.
                    When Sur Pratap Shah attacks Kirtipur, army of Kirtipur did not go in front of gorkhali. They hide beside wall and attack them by their bow and arrow. Kirtipur is located in high hill. So according to geography it is hard and take time to reach at the main door surrounded by wall. While Gorkhali troops try to climb come close the door, the army as well as people of Kirtipur rollout big stone followed by arrow and spear. Due to this Gorkhali army could not go ahead and fail to win so they made their strategy to attack at night. when they are approaching towards Kirtipur thinking that they are asleep, one arrow suddenly come and hit into one eye of Sur Pratap. Injured Sur Pratap was taken to Nuwakot. After losing 2nd war also, king Prithivinarayan Shah went to Banaras to buy some gun and hire some indian trainer who can use these guns. he made blocked to Kirtipur, even water supply was blocked. But also Kirtipur did not surrender in front of Gorkha. Seeing all these things useless King Prithivinarayan Shah
ordered his spy to kidnap Birnara singh who was the son of Kaji Dhanwant and commander in chief of Kirtipur's Army. Kaji Dhanwant has two children, Birnara Singh and  Kirtilaxmi. Kirtilaxmi Married to King Gyanpraja. After kidnapping Birnara Singh, he was taken to Nuwakot and presented to the king Prithivinarayan Shah. King Prithivinarayan Shah forces him to surrender and write a letter to Kirtipur but he preferred to die instead of betraying Kirtipur. He was taken to the Trishuli river and killed by removing skin.
                    In 1767 AD one of the person from Kirtipur betrayed and open the main door. From that door all of the gorkhali troops entered and kill all of the people. King Gyanpraja, Kaji Dhanwant, and many others administrator's was killed. After that Gorkhali army celebrates victory over kirtipur. While celebrating the victory suddenly an arrow came and hit the gorkhali army followed by a voice in Bhairab singh. Gorkhali troop again fights with that hide character of 3 days and 3 nights. After that Bhairab Sing is getting empty of his arrow and tries to escape but caught. He killed hundreds of gorkhali army. He was imprisoned in the dark and cold room at Kirtipur. Nobody knows who was he but one of the leader of army came to know that Bhairab Singh is the queen of Kirtipur, Whose name is Kirtilaxmi. Kirtilaxmi fought by wearing male dress. Many women of Kirtipur fought with Gorkhali army during that war. One of the war post was handled by Kirtilaxmi.
                    In the Golden page of history, name of commander Birnara singh wasn't written. He was always kept in shadow. In spite of him, Name of Kaji Kalu pandey was recorded as brave commander with golden fonts. The story of Kaji Kalu Pandey was told to the people where as Birnara singh, who accepted death instead of betraying his country, who was murdered with  kidnaping by the king prithivi narayan shah, was never been presented as hero in the Nepali history. Not even name of kirtilaxmi coated into the history book of school. She was never being revealed. Only few old aged people remember her. Those old people who have heard story from their grand fathers only know who was Bhairab Singh or Kirtilaxmi. New generation does not know about them because they are only taught about winners history, not loser. But we should know that without loser, history of winners cannot be create.

Pradeep Khadgi

(Reference are taken from the novel Bhairab Singh by Basu Pasa, Battle of Kirtipur by Hriday Chandra Pradhan, and many historians were interviewed.) 


  1. Basu Pasa's writing is mostly fiction. Other sources says there was No king in Kirtipur.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. learn more about Battle of kirtipur here at


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