Kirtipur movie special screening

We all know Kirtipur is the historical place. Kirtipur is the town of newars. According to the historian, In 1826 B.S. King Prithvi Narayan Shah get victory over kirtipur on his third attempt. After his victory, he cut off the noses of all the men in the city. At the time of  all Gorkhali's celebrating Victory, A single person called "Bhairab Singh" attack  Gorkhali Sena (Army of king Prithivi narayan Shah). All troupes were afraid and shot the gun blindly. Bhairab Singh fought with them for 3 days and 3 nights. This event was never been recorded in the book of history of nepal. This story was never been told.
Thinking of This a group of young and an energetic team has made a historical movie called "Kirtipur " the legend of kirtilakshmy whic is based on the historical novel "Bhairab Singh"of Basu pasa in which King Prithivi narayan Shah attack Kirtipur for several times and Queen of kirtipur called Kirtilakshmy plays a vital role during war with gorkhali . She fight with Gorkhali force by changing her identity as male called Bhairab singh.This Movie was Directed by Pradeep Khadgi. The team present whole movie in such a way that has never been presented before in the history of Nepali movie. 90 percent above VFX (Visual effects) were done in the film. The VFX supervisor Mr Santosh KC done his work very fine in the movie. He replace all buildings, durbar, Temples etc in to ancient Kirtipur. Art Direction was done by Mr KK Manandhar. Teaser of The movie is also released in youtube. You can also view it frome this blog.


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