"Nepal" its land and the life

Nepal is admired for its unique diversity in land and life. Rising almost at the sea-level on its southern plains, the land within a short distance of 150 km culminates into Mt. Everest (80848m), the highest point on earth. Compatible with it, the climatic zones differ and so do the plants and people that breathe on the 0.03 percent of the planet's solid surface. the sacred land is home to 126 divergent ethnic groups with 123 languages and dialects, and it is where heterogeneous religions harmoniously rub shoulders with each other. The castes, colors and creeds are obviously different in this nation of

30 million people, yet it's the mutual harmony, respect and trust that have been keeping them united for generations. And it is this very mutual bond and fraternity that is what this tiny nation-now the federal Democratic Republic of Nepal has been known by and admired for since time immemoral.

Article by Om Charan Amatya


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