Nepali Music

"Music" In my opinion music is the part of life. All leaving beings are influenced by music. Music is not only the sound played with instrument . Music can be defined as the interesting sound produce by anything. those sound which makes our ear listenable as well as lovable.  According to the science every living being are effected by music. For example, plants which are planted around the environment which produce heavy noise are die soon where as the plants which are planted around the environment low noise or peace area are developed and healthy. Therefore Music is a kind of medicine.
                Nepal is one of the richest country in the world for its Music.  Nepal is the country with various casts. Each and Every Cast has their one Music or we can say instruments. Each cast refers to the various musical genres of Nepal. With more than fifty ethnicity, the music of this country is a highly dispersed phenomenon. Different cast have different pattern of music. In kathmandu valley there is the majority of Newar's. Newar are those who have their one identity in music, culture, tradition etc. Newar are rich in their culture. They performs their culture according to the season and religion. They have music of every season as well as religion. Among newar there are Different Newari cast.  The Leader of Newari instrument is "Naya Khin". "Naya Khin" Must go at 1st before all other cast's instrument. Naya Khin is performed by "Naya's" that is the cast "Khadgi".

Newari Music was developed during Medieval Era era. The Malla kings were known for their interest in arts. "Daboo Pyakhan" i.e. Drama created during those eras is accompanied by music. Many of the guthis of Kathmandu valley have their origin in this era. These guthis maintain the musical genres established during that era. Dafa music, a kind of Newari bhajan is believed to have originated in this era. Dafa is still performed in core area of newar basti or location.

Khas music belongs to the Khas society where castes like Damai used to play a number of instruments on occasions such as marriages, birth and other feasts. This tradition is now on decline owing to the growing popularity of television, radio and other means of mass communication. The minstrels used to play instruments like Sarangi but even the Gaine are declining in number.


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