Historical Place of Nepal

Pradeep Khadgi -2018-jan-15

Nepal is a rich country in its Natural resources. Besides this, it is also rich in Cultural heritage. The man made heritages are highly found in the capital city of Nepal, that is Kathmandu. Kathmandu is also Known as the Kantipur. The ancient name of Kathmandu is Kantipur. Full of Antique Heritages and Culturally rich  Kathmandu is the home town of Newar's. In the record of world heritage, Kathmandu has its own identity. Capital city of Nepal is settled by the ethnic group called Newah. There are many historical places and heritage Inside this Kathmandu, One of them is Jaishi Dewal. While moving towards Basantapur Durbar Square, Jaishi Dewal is on the way. It is located nearby distance from Basantapur Durbar Square. Jaishi Dewal is called as "Joshi degaa" by the local Newah and it is designed as Pagoda. It was established by a newar called Laxmi Narayan Joshi in 1745 B.S. Due to a person's cast with Joshi  made this temple, it was named as Joshi Degaa. As the time passes, the name of Joshi Degaa: changed in to Jaishi Degaa and Jaishi Dewal. At the time of earthquake on 2072 baishakha 12 it was destroyed. Pagoda kind of this temple was totally damaged and now the renovation of this temple is in progress.

                                Likewise as many heritages at Kathmandu, another important heritage is Naradevi temple. It was also build in Pagoda design. This temple is also called as "Swoyet Kali". It has high importance of cultural and religion. The word "Nara" means person and "Devi" means Goddess. According to the ancient history of Nepal, people are forced to sacrifice their life in this temple in spite of animals. Due to sacrificing a person to this goddess established the name of this temple as "Nara Devi". Now a day's those act were totally banded or eliminated. Every years Nara Devi (Swoyet Kali)'s religious dance is organized by locals and in every 12 year's especial religious Jatra (Religious Dance) is performed. According to the "Bansawali" (Historical and Epic Record) different god's (Pith gaan) were established to protect Kathmandu by King Gunkam Dev in 3825 Kaligat Sambat. From those day's different ritual jatra's of "Aji maa" (Different goddess) were performed here. This is Deshaye Maru Jhyaa. Is it only one piece in the whole country, because of single one it is named as Deshaye Maru Jhya. It is located near Basantapur. It is said to be made at the time of Malla king's.

                                          Another historical temple at Kathmandu is "Shree Ghaa Chaitya". It is Buddhist temple. This temple is designed as Swoyambhu Chaitya. It is also called "Kashyap Chaitya", "Kashi Chaitya", "Shanti Ghat Bajradhatu Chatya".  It is small in size comparison to Swoyambhu Maha Chaitya. Shree Ghaa Chaitya was made by Licchavi King Aamshu varma at Licchavi period. It is coded as 1600 years old in Shilakeh (Inscript). This monastery is related with Buddhism religion and many tourists visit this place. This temple is called "Rakta kali" it is also called Kula Bhulu temple. Acording to Newah ethnic group, they take this temple as "Aajima" goddess. At the time of establishment of Kathmandu, it is said to be build for protection of Kathmandu. Those people who go for Upaku need to take a round trip of this temple. People believes that it was made at the time of Malla period. Likewise many Temple of lord Ganesh can be seen at this place. The statue which has Cultural and religious importance are build in this area. At the center of Kathmandu "Hanuman Dhoka" Palace is located. It is believed that, it came to origin at the time of Licchivi period. Many temples are made at this place in the time being. The loard hunuman's Idol (Statue) was established at the main entrance by king Pratap Malla in 1729 BS. Before 1826 B.S. This place is called as Hanuman Dhoka after that it is called Basantapur Durbar square. From the time of king Ratna Mall to King Prithvi bikram Shah many temple's and heritages were build in this place. Inside This place Mul Chukaa, Nasaa Chuka, Bhanda Kyaba, Statue of Lord Hanuman, house of Kumari etc were builded. Due to the earthquake occur in 2072 many of these heritages are destroyed. Now a day's renovation of this place and heritages are in progress. Every year many internal and external tourist visit this place. Due to the recorded at world heritage, this place is not only heritage of Nepal, It's the heritage of World. So it must be protected and renovate time by time by concern department.


  1. के लेखेको ? न् भाषा राम्रो छ न् फ्याक्ट कुरा लेख्या छ.


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